While the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg was trying the highest dignitaries of Adolf Hitler’s regime, Poland saw investigations into and trials over war crimes committed against the Polish nation during the German occupation. The Supreme National Tribunal established on January 22, 1946, was to try the most important German war criminals in the territory of Poland. It sentenced to death, among others, former Reich Governor of the Wartleland Arthur Greiser, who was also responsible for the crimes committed in the Radogoszcz prison. The task of Special Criminal Courts was to mete out justice to rank-and-file representatives of the German administration and coercion apparatus, and their collaborators. In the years following the war, they tried guards of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison, prisoner functionaries, and collaborators of this Nazi facility.
Radogoszcz Trials 1945-1949
September 12, 1944
A decree of the Polish Committee of National Liberation on the establishment of Special Criminal Courts to punish Nazi criminals responsible for the crimes committed against the civil population in the Polish territory during the German occupation.
March 3, 1945
A life sentence imposed on Jung, former guard in the Radogoszcz prison. The sentence was changed to 15 years in prison. Jung was released early on December 11, 1956.
March 15, 1945
A sentence of 12 years in prison imposed on Gustaw Krygier, aka Krugier, former guard in the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison.
April 15, 1945
A sentence of 12 years in prison imposed on Edmund-Otto Lange, guard and shift head in the Radogoszcz prison. He was discharged on January 12, 1949, due to health reasons.
July 17, 1945
A sentence of 3 years in prison imposed on Oskar Mittmann. The convict was released early on March 5, 1948.
December 15, 1945
A death sentence in the case of Adolf Adler, aka Orłowski, former guard in the Radogoszcz prison. The sentence was carried out on March 22, 1946.
September 12, 1944
A decree of the Polish Committee of National Liberation on the establishment of Special Criminal Courts to punish Nazi criminals responsible for the crimes committed against the civil population in the Polish territory during the German occupation.
March 3, 1945
A life sentence imposed on Jung, former guard in the Radogoszcz prison. The sentence was changed to 15 years in prison. Jung was released early on December 11, 1956.
March 15, 1945
A sentence of 12 years in prison imposed on Gustaw Krygier, aka Krugier, former guard in the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison.
April 15, 1945
A sentence of 12 years in prison imposed on Edmund-Otto Lange, guard and shift head in the Radogoszcz prison. He was discharged on January 12, 1949, due to health reasons.
July 17, 1945
A sentence of 3 years in prison imposed on Oskar Mittmann. The convict was released early on March 5, 1948.
December 15, 1945
A death sentence in the case of Adolf Adler, aka Orłowski, former guard in the Radogoszcz prison. The sentence was carried out on March 22, 1946.
December 28, 1945
A sentence of 10 years in prison imposed on Johann Hoffman, aka Horman, supplies officer in the Radogoszcz prison.
January 22, 1946
Establishment of the Supreme National Tribunal to punish German crimes committed in the territory of Poland in 1939-1945.
February 25, 1946
A death sentence in the case of Paweł Bergman, former guard in the Radogoszcz prison. The sentence was carried out on March 26, 1946.
February 25, 1946
A death sentence in the case of Jan Fuchler, former guard in the Radogoszcz prison, changed to 15 years in prison. Fuchler was released early on May 7, 1954.
May 14-17, 1946
Acquittal in the case of Stanisław Baśko, cell head in the Radogoszcz prison.
July 9, 1946
A death sentence in the case of Arthur Greiser, former Reich Governor of the Wartheland. Responsibility for the crimes committed in the Radogoszcz prison was included in Greiser’s indictment.
July 21, 1946
Execution of Arthur Greiser, former Reich Governor of the Wartheland. He was hung at 7.00 a.m. in the presence of thousands of people gathered on a slope in Poznań Cytadela Park. It was the last public execution in Poland.
August / September, 1946
The trial of Röster, aka Rostar, former guard in the Radogoszcz prison.
September 12, 1946
A death sentence in the case of Walter Pelzhausen, former warden of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison.
October 14, 1946
A sentence of 3 years in prison imposed on Willy Herman, former guard in the Radogoszcz prison.
October 21, 1946
A sentence of 3 years in prison imposed on Alfons Mitleiner, former guard in the Radogoszcz prison.
July 28, 1947
A sentence of 3 years in prison imposed on Konstanty Mision, former prisoner functionary in Radogoszcz.
November 17, 1947
Acquittal in the case of Józef Zawierko, cell head in the Radogoszcz prison.
March 1, 1948
Execution of Walter Pelzhausen, former warden of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison.
A custodial sentence imposed on Emil Jaranowski, aka Jahrmann, former guard in the Radogoszcz prison.
March 2, 1949
A life sentence imposed on Rudolf Leun. The convict was released early on June 17, 1947.
A sentence imposed on Mühler, aka Möller, deputy warden of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison.
- A press release on the trial of Alfred (Adolf) Orłowski, aka Adler, guard in the Radogoszcz prison. “Proces kata z Radogoszcza” (“The Trial of the Radogoszcz Butcher”), Głos Robotniczy of December 16, 1945, no. 180, p. 2
- The trial before the Supreme National Tribunal against Arthur Greiser, Poznań, July 7, 1946. The public domain
- An article covering trials of former guards from Radogoszcz: Paweł Bergman and Jan Fuchler. “Oprawcy z Radogoszcza skazani na śmierć” (“Slayers from Radogoszcz Sentenced to Death”), Dziennik Łódzki of February 26, 1946, no. 57 (244), p. 4
- An article referring to the trials of former guards from Radogoszcz: Paweł Bergman and Jan Fuchler. “Dwaj żandarmi z Radogoszcza Bergman i Fuchler skazani na karę śmierci za znęcanie się nad więźniami-Polakami” (“Two Guards from Radogoszcz Bergman and Fuchler Sentenced to Death for Torturing Polish Prisoners”), Express Ilustrowany of February 26, 1946, no. 41, p. 4
- Press coverage of Arthur Greiser’s execution in Poznań, July 21, 1946. “100 000 widzów przyglądało się egzekucji Greisera” (“100,000 People Watched Greiser’s Execution”), Dziennik Łódzki of July 21, 1946, p. 1
- Walter Pelzhausen during the trial. Archive of the Institute of National Remembrance, ref. no. Ld 498-28, Files of the Prosecutor of the District Court in Łódź concerning Walter Pelzhausen. (Photograph 8)
- Information from the Łódź press about the institution of court proceedings against Konstanty Mision. Dziennik Łódzki of January 30, 1947, no. 29 (575)
- A press release concerning the execution of Walter Pelzhausen, former warden of the Radogoszcz prison. “Pelzhausen, Kaczyska i Głoba zawieśli na szubienicy” (“Pelzhausen, Kaczyska and Głoba Were Hung”), Głos Robotniczy of March 2, 1948, no. 61 (989), p. 6
- The Radogoszcz prison staff, a photograph from 1942. Walter Pelzhausen is standing in the middle. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-4617
- A group of SS men in the Radogoszcz prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-10780
- Staff members of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-4733
- Members of the German staff of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison, 1942. Museum of Independence Traditions in Łódź, ref. no. I-4136
- SS men forming the first staff of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison, October 1939. Museum of Independence Traditions in Łódź, ref. no. I-1548