The grounds of the former Samuel Abbe’s factory of woollen goods were taken over by Germans in September 1939 and converted into a resettlement camp, and than a transit prison for men. Putting up a higher fence enhanced by barbed-wire entanglements and adding guard towers allowed to effectively supervise the area and isolate it from Radogoszcz. The buildings of the former spinning mill and the weaving plant were adjusted to the facility’s purposes and used to detain prisoners. The one-storey building next to the factory housed the prison administration. Each element of the prison buildings and grounds received a specific function and purpose in the murderous machinery of terror known as the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison that operated throughout the five years of occupation.
1 An administration
- An administration and residential building in the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison, 1946-1947, Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-8027.
- A fragment of the guardroom in the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-5344.
- An administration and residential building in the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison, 1946-1947, Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-8027
- A fragment of the guardroom in the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-5344
2 The hospital managed by Bruno Mathäus (“Orderly Mateusz”).
- The abandoned sick ward in the grounds of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-4615/11.
- The abandoned sick ward in the grounds of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-4615/13.
- The abandoned sick ward in the grounds of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-4615/14.
- The abandoned sick ward in the grounds of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-4615/15.
- An abandoned room in a building of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-4615/21.
- The abandoned room of prisoner functionaries in the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-4615/25.
- The abandoned sick ward in the grounds of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-4615/11
- The abandoned sick ward in the grounds of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-4615/13
- The abandoned sick ward in the grounds of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-4615/14
- The abandoned sick ward in the grounds of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-4615/15
- An abandoned room in a building of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-4615/21
- The abandoned room of prisoner functionaries in the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-4615/25
3 The bath house room, hamber for disinfecting clothes
- The bath house room after the bathroom fittings were dismantled. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. A-10585/008.
- A chamber for disinfecting clothes in the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-12620.
- A chamber for disinfecting clothes in the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. 10585/009.
- The bath house room after the bathroom fittings were dismantled. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. A-10585/008
- A chamber for disinfecting clothes in the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. 10585/009
- A chamber for disinfecting clothes in the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-12620
4 The “morgue”
- The “morgue” building visible in the bottom left corner of the photograph. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-4615/26.
- The interior of the “morgue”, where the bodies of prisoners were kept. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-9030.
- The “morgue” building visible in the bottom left corner of the photograph. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-4615/26
- The interior of the “morgue”, where the bodies of prisoners were kept. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-9030
5 The boiler room
- The boiler room chimney in the Radogoszcz prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-8026.
- The boiler room chimney in the Radogoszcz prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-8026
6 An expansion water tank
- An expansion water tank on top of the staircase in the main building of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-10058.
- An expansion water tank on top of the staircase in the main building of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-10058
7 The main prison building
- The walls of the main prison building housing prison rooms destroyed by the fire. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-4615/24.
- A view of the main prison building. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-11133.
- The interior of the main prison building destroyed by the fire. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. M-1574.
- The “morgue” building visible in the bottom left corner of the photograph. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-4615/26
- A view of the main prison building. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-11133
- The interior of the main prison building destroyed by the fire. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. M-1574
8 “The pear tree of executions”
- “The pear tree of executions” – the place of executions in the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison.
9 The fence of the former
- The fence of the former Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-4615/17.
- The fence of the former Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-4615/17
10 The assembly square
- Prisoners in the assembly square of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison, a photograph taken in January 1942. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-12713.
- Prisoners in the assembly square of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison, a photograph taken in January 1942. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-12714.
- Prisoners in the assembly square of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-4821.
- Prisoners in the assembly square of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-4821
- Prisoners in the assembly square of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison, a photograph taken in January 1942. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-12713
- Prisoners in the assembly square of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison, a photograph taken in January 1942. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-12714
11 The entrance gate
- The entrance gate of the former Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison, a photograph taken on May 11, 1959. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-937.
- The entrance gate of the former Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison, a photograph taken on May 11, 1959. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-937
12 A guard tower
- A guard tower of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-4615/22.
- A guard tower of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-8025.
- A guard tower of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-4615/22
- A guard tower of the Radogoszcz Extended Police Prison. Museum of Independence Traditions, ref. no. I-8025